Developing a smart and sustainable future
Smart G Power are Power System Consultants. Our mission is to facilitate the development of smart and sustainable future for generations to come through providing support services to National Grid (NG), DNOs, IDNOs. ICPs and EV charging operators, renewable / energy storage developers and hydrogen project developers.
Escalation of Net Zero through Technology Adoption
We believe in reducing project turnaround times through the adoption of technology. Many organizations still operate in the old way when delivering large/grid-scale projects. However, our approach differs from traditional consultancies. We believe in improving operational efficiency by filling gaps in clients' organizations using modern tech tools.

Challenging the status quo
Timing is crucial for utility-scale renewable/storage projects. We understand that until the project is operational, developers won't see any return on their investment.
With years of experience working for UK DNOs, we can help our clients identify all project-related risks in the best interest of their investors. Our approach has completely changed the way developers and DNOs interact for the best interests of project delivery.
Rewiring the grid while keeping the lights on
Electricity network was originally designed to handle the power flow from large generators to industrial, commercial and domestic customers through transmission and distribution networks. An integration of renewable generation and energy storage asset at distribution network in recent years has increased technical / operational challenges for DNOs in UK.
For DNOs, there should be minimum interruptions to the existing network operation whilst rewiring the power network suitable for NET ZERO. Our innovative approach would help DNOs to make this transition smoother.

Safety & Quality
Quality and safety is at the heart of everything we do. We aim to remove most of the operational risk at design stage and deal with residual risks by putting controls in place. With combined experience of over 60 years, we are committed to provide the quality services to our customers.
The nation’s mission is our mission
Net Zero by 2050
Our Clients